Logistic Regression
Logistic regression is a classification algorithm used to assign observations to a discrete set of classes. It is a statistical machine learning algorithm th...
Logistic regression is a classification algorithm used to assign observations to a discrete set of classes. It is a statistical machine learning algorithm th...
Exercise from Jose Portilla Python for Data Science Bootcamp.
Today, i will try Exploratory Data Analysis and regression with insurance data from Kaggle. Let’s take a look
Linear regression is useful for finding relationship between two continuous variables. Linear regression is a linear model, a model that creates a linear rel...
This week I will dedicate my time to solve all exercise from Jose Portilla Python for Data Science Bootcamp.
Most data nowadays is huge and massive. Dataset often comes with many irrelevant features that do not contribute much to the accuracy of your predictive mode...
Practically, in real dataset, the dataset contain categorical value. So what is the difference between casual string value and categorical value ? Well, some...
Machine learning can’t process non-numeric value. Then how to process image or text data ? Before you train your image or text data, you need to transform th...
After rescaling or normalize the data, there is another way to change the distribution of the data by transformation. There are 3 different ways to transform...
Numerical data is already digestible by machine learning or mathematical formula. But it doesn’t mean that is no longer need feature engineering or preproces...