LeTAD #3: Next Season DPC

3 minute read

Well now let’s talk about the next season DPC and the drama all around it. Of course, a lot of things happening so to start with congratulations to Tundra Esports after winning The International 11 very convincingly. I hope they are not kicked AUI_2000. Now after The International, let’s talk about the next season and what is the rumour around DPC.

2022-2023 DPC Rules

From here, is published that there are some changes of DPC. In summary, the changes was :

Added text under “ Who owns a team slot? “

” The registered admin is the sole owner of the team and can kick any/all members of the team. If a team does not wish to have a single admin, or if they wish to have an admin with limited control, a team may set up contracts among themselves and we will respect contracts in case of separation. “

Added text under “Can a team get acquired by an organization or a different organization?”

” Contact a tournament organizer for details. “

Changed text under “ Can a team play with subs? “


” Any team that competes in a Major tournament with a sub will incur a 40% penalty on DPC Points earned from that tournament. “


” Any team that competes in a Major tournament with a sub will incur a 40% penalty per sub (up to 2 subs) on DPC Points earned from that tournament. If more than 2 subs are required for a team, that team will be considered forfeited. “

Changed text under “Can we make roster changes when they’re not locked?”


” Yes - though any player removals will incur a 15% penalty to all DPC Point earned at the time of removal. There is no penalty for adding a new player. “


” Yes - though any player removals will incur a 20% penalty to all DPC Points earned at the time of removal. Any partial DPC points will be rounded down for each individual event. There is no penalty for adding a new player. “

Changed text under “ Who can remove a player from a team? “


” The manager of a team can remove any player from their team, and any player can remove themselves from a team while a roster lock isn’t in place. Doing so will incur a penalty to the team of 15% of all DPC points earned up to that point in the Season including the points to be earned in the League currently being played. “


” The manager of a team can remove any player from their team, and any player can remove themselves from a team while a roster lock isn’t in place. Doing so will incur a penalty to the team of 20% of all DPC points earned up to that point in the Season including the points to be earned in the League currently being played. “

Where is the next Major going to be ?

According to rumour, the next major will be in Lima, Bali and Berlin. This is really exciting news especially for me as an Indonesian to have a Major tournament country. I am hoping that is not going to be as a shitshow like in GESC Minor (A lot of player still not getting paid). For a major tournament in South America, I kind of call it from Reddit comments. I mean it is really make sense because after the rise of South American teams in the tournament and CSGO Rio Major in Brazil.

I hope you are enjoyed reading quick summary about the next seasons of DPC. I personally cant wait for the roster changes about some team. Let me know in the comments that if you like informative contents about Dota 2. I personally think this kind of post as a archiving interesting news about Dota and the rewrite from my own perspective.

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