Python Crash Course Exercise 4
Today i will completing Pandas Exercise using SF Salaries. If you want to solve it all by yourself, you can download notebooks file here and dataset here
Now Lets get started
SF Salaries Exercise
Welcome to a quick exercise for you to practice your pandas skills! We will be using the SF Salaries Dataset from Kaggle! Just follow along and complete the tasks outlined in bold below. The tasks will get harder and harder as you go along.
** Import pandas as pd.**
import pandas as pd
** Read Salaries.csv as a dataframe called sal.**
sal = pd.read_csv("Salaries.csv")
** Check the head of the DataFrame. **
Id | EmployeeName | JobTitle | BasePay | OvertimePay | OtherPay | Benefits | TotalPay | TotalPayBenefits | Year | Notes | Agency | Status | |
0 | 1 | NATHANIEL FORD | GENERAL MANAGER-METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY | 167411.18 | 0.00 | 400184.25 | NaN | 567595.43 | 567595.43 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
1 | 2 | GARY JIMENEZ | CAPTAIN III (POLICE DEPARTMENT) | 155966.02 | 245131.88 | 137811.38 | NaN | 538909.28 | 538909.28 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
2 | 3 | ALBERT PARDINI | CAPTAIN III (POLICE DEPARTMENT) | 212739.13 | 106088.18 | 16452.60 | NaN | 335279.91 | 335279.91 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
3 | 4 | CHRISTOPHER CHONG | WIRE ROPE CABLE MAINTENANCE MECHANIC | 77916.00 | 56120.71 | 198306.90 | NaN | 332343.61 | 332343.61 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
4 | 5 | PATRICK GARDNER | DEPUTY CHIEF OF DEPARTMENT,(FIRE DEPARTMENT) | 134401.60 | 9737.00 | 182234.59 | NaN | 326373.19 | 326373.19 | 2011 | NaN | San Francisco | NaN |
** Use the .info() method to find out how many entries there are.**
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 148654 entries, 0 to 148653
Data columns (total 13 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Id 148654 non-null int64
1 EmployeeName 148654 non-null object
2 JobTitle 148654 non-null object
3 BasePay 148045 non-null float64
4 OvertimePay 148650 non-null float64
5 OtherPay 148650 non-null float64
6 Benefits 112491 non-null float64
7 TotalPay 148654 non-null float64
8 TotalPayBenefits 148654 non-null float64
9 Year 148654 non-null int64
10 Notes 0 non-null float64
11 Agency 148654 non-null object
12 Status 0 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(8), int64(2), object(3)
memory usage: 14.7+ MB
What is the average BasePay ?
** What is the highest amount of OvertimePay in the dataset ? **
** What is the job title of JOSEPH DRISCOLL ? Note: Use all caps, otherwise you may get an answer that doesn’t match up (there is also a lowercase Joseph Driscoll). **
sal[sal["EmployeeName"] == "JOSEPH DRISCOLL"]["JobTitle"]
Name: JobTitle, dtype: object
** How much does JOSEPH DRISCOLL make (including benefits)? **
sal[sal["EmployeeName"] == "JOSEPH DRISCOLL"]["TotalPayBenefits"]
24 270324.91
Name: TotalPayBenefits, dtype: float64
** What is the name of highest paid person (including benefits)?**
sal[sal["TotalPayBenefits"] == sal["TotalPayBenefits"].max()]["EmployeeName"]
Name: EmployeeName, dtype: object
** What is the name of lowest paid person (including benefits)? Do you notice something strange about how much he or she is paid?**
sal[sal["TotalPayBenefits"] == sal["TotalPayBenefits"].min()]["EmployeeName"]
# Negative result of Total Pay with Benefits
148653 Joe Lopez
Name: EmployeeName, dtype: object
** What was the average (mean) BasePay of all employees per year? (2011-2014) ? **
2011 63595.956517
2012 65436.406857
2013 69630.030216
2014 66564.421924
Name: BasePay, dtype: float64
** How many unique job titles are there? **
** What are the top 5 most common jobs? **
Transit Operator 7036
Special Nurse 4389
Registered Nurse 3736
Public Svc Aide-Public Works 2518
Police Officer 3 2421
Name: JobTitle, dtype: int64
** How many Job Titles were represented by only one person in 2013? (e.g. Job Titles with only one occurence in 2013?) **
sum(sal[sal["Year"] == 2013]["JobTitle"].value_counts() == 1)
** How many people have the word Chief in their job title? (This is pretty tricky) **
sal[sal["JobTitle"].apply(lambda x : "chief" in x.lower())]["JobTitle"].count()
** Bonus: Is there a correlation between length of the Job Title string and Salary? **
sal["title_len"] = sal["JobTitle"].apply(lambda x : len(x))
sal[["title_len", "TotalPayBenefits"]].corr()
title_len | TotalPayBenefits | |
title_len | 1.000000 | -0.036878 |
TotalPayBenefits | -0.036878 | 1.000000 |
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