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Interesting and Open Public Data Agregator

1 minute read

There are hundreds of zettabytes of data available on internet, but most of them is not publicly accessed. Today, i will share where to find open public data...

Data Types

3 minute read

There are many different kind of data types. In this blog, i will explain these data types based on most common understanding in Data Science. Specifically i...

Structured and Unstructured Data

3 minute read

One of the simple ways to think about data is wether it is structured or not. Well, the first thing not all data is created equal or the same. Some data is s...

Data Science Tools

6 minute read

After finding a reason and motivation to start learning about Data Science, lets we talk about the Tools to practicing Data Science. Machine learning tools m...

What is Data Science

5 minute read

So today i will start my journey with recollecting from the internet about what is Data Science ? So what is Data Science ? Why is Data Science so popular be...

Starting New Journey

less than 1 minute read

Short blog post. I hope in the future i can try to be productive. Recently, i feel bored with the Covid-19 situation. So i hope in the next few days i can ma...

Ulasan Startup di Indonesia (Mamikos)

5 minute read

Mencari info kost adalah sesuatu yang wajib dilakukan oleh anak rantau. Melanjutkan pendidikan di luar kota atau bekerja di luar kota tentunya sudah bukan ha...