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Evaluation Metric Clustering

9 minute read

Clustering is an important part of the machine learning pipeline for business or scientific enterprises utilizing data science. As the name suggests, it help...

Evaluation Metric Regression

3 minute read

Regression task is the prediction of the state of an outcome variable at a particular timepoint with the help of other correlated independent variables. The ...

Evaluation Metric Binary Classification

6 minute read

Classifier performance depends greatly on the characteristics of the data to be classified. There is no single classifier that works best on all given proble...

TOEFL WritingTemplate

6 minute read

Broadly speaking, you’ll get a TOEFL independent writing question based on one of the following styles:

Testing and Validation

2 minute read

To know how good your model is to actually try it on new cases or different cases. But if your model not doing good as it expected, surely you will hesitate ...

Challenges in Machine Learning

7 minute read

At a some level, running machine learning systems at scale is challenging for several reasons. The systems issues are often misunderstood. Although best prac...

Types of Machine Learning

6 minute read

There are many different types of machine learning system. At a high-level, machine learning is simply the study of teaching a computer program or algorithm ...

Libraries in Python for Data Science

4 minute read

First of all, why using Python for Data Science ? According to recent surveys by KDNugget, Python is the preferred programming language for data scientists. ...